Friday, March 1, 2013

People in Tyler Lives.

These are just some of the pictures of tylers family that stopped by the hospital to see tyler and the family the days he was in the hospital. 

                                                         Daddy and Grandpa David.

                                                       Mommy and his Great Nana.

                                                                      Mommy and Daddy.
                                                                       His 2nd cousin.Kevin.

than it his nana [in the red.] and than his great aunt nancy, 2nd couisn and last but not least his auntie danielle. 
he cant say he is never loved. and if he ever were to i would remind him of these days. 

the arrival of my nephew,Tyler James.

November 16th,2012 was probley one of the best days of my life. At 7am i got a phone call from my mom saying my sister in law went into labor with my nephew. we hung up and off to leominster we went to sit in the hostpital waiting. about 5-530ish my fave. little nephew was born. he whole family was there waiting for him to come into this world. 

                                            His auntie and uncle waiting for him in the hospital.

                Tyler James Moulton has arrived, and meeting his nana.

                                     Auntie Karlee, Auntie Danielle and Nana all admiring him.

                                                         PICTURES with auntie Danielle, and Uncle ben.

Friday, January 25, 2013

back at it.

i know i been horrible with keeping up with my blog, i am really going to try and keep up with it though. for once again i am back on the band wagon to losing weight. i need this, i do i do i do!!! and i am going to keep telling myself that. i have a nephew that i need to live for, to be healthy for. let alone my family and close friends. so today is day two of my back on track. i am gonna start slowier and not push my self as hard as i did in the past. like this week i am allowing myself to sugar, where as next week [my week start on thursdays] it the first week of my white or processed sugar detox. and it going to be sooo hard, i am going to have to push through every once of pain when it came to the detox because i know once i make it past three days, ill start feeling a whole lot better. =]

Today i did 30 minutes of workout that lend to walking a mile. =]   pictures will be posted later of tyler and what not. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bsb quilt

I am into seeing very much so.. And for many years I've been wanting to do a backstreet boys blanket out of my old tee shirts and what not buy I life happen and it didn't have me fitting into see... But let me tell you ... I ve been inspired. 💞 This picture so what I've done so far.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I talked to my daddy today. For
The first time since last year. I loved hearing his voice, the minute I realized it was him I was like a little girl an a instant smile came on my face. I'm scared though. I'm scared to put my guard down- but he my dad. There hope in reconnecting right? All I can so is just pray.

Friday, November 23, 2012

It's been a while update

I know I know. I fell behind in the updating part of my blog. Alot has happen since August when I last wrote. I am officially an auntie! I've been an auntie for one whole week today. I love that little joy beyond words.

His name is Tyler James and he was 7.8 pounds when born and omg he stolen my heart. Is it hard cause of my wanting of a baby... Not going to lie... It is. But right now I am happy for Kim and randy and I am just enjoying being an aunt.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

our newest addition.

Its our NEWEST addition!!!! i LOVE him sooo much!!! as i look over he is out cold right next to me.
his name is Welker. [yes, named after Wes Welker.]  he is 2 months old.