Friday, January 25, 2013

back at it.

i know i been horrible with keeping up with my blog, i am really going to try and keep up with it though. for once again i am back on the band wagon to losing weight. i need this, i do i do i do!!! and i am going to keep telling myself that. i have a nephew that i need to live for, to be healthy for. let alone my family and close friends. so today is day two of my back on track. i am gonna start slowier and not push my self as hard as i did in the past. like this week i am allowing myself to sugar, where as next week [my week start on thursdays] it the first week of my white or processed sugar detox. and it going to be sooo hard, i am going to have to push through every once of pain when it came to the detox because i know once i make it past three days, ill start feeling a whole lot better. =]

Today i did 30 minutes of workout that lend to walking a mile. =]   pictures will be posted later of tyler and what not. 

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