Monday, October 24, 2011

and i am...

down another 1.2 pounds this week!!! whohooo!!! i am sooo exicited. i am just super exicited about it all. that is a total of 6.2 down. i am thinking though about starting to do weight watchers, only because its getting really hard to add up calories, i dunno.. its just annoying. i like keeping track of it better.  i am starting to feel good about myself. i starting to get more of the energy of the gym up and its just awesome. i love being at the gym. and mondays i do yoga with bob harper from biggest loser- hahaha its a bl dvd.. but he still does the trick. =] i am somwhat able to look in the mirror after all. i am somewhat able to like myself. i just can not give up. am i scared that i will give up- you bet i am. i am scared i will lose the modivation again... but i am wish i can explain the fire that is burning with in me. it is something that i am fighting like hell for. i have never in my life felt this way ever. i need this. i need this more than ever.  and i am fighting and fighting..

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