Friday, December 2, 2011

christmas is just around the corner.

So i am sitting here thinking about some crafts that i can do that are related to christmas...
and i am doing some seaching for things of what i can do... i came up with some cute ideas that i got from different blogs. i got a idea from this blog and page.  i love the idea of the name of jesus chain she came up with, i love how it keeps the reason for the season alive. and that we dont forget what we truelt celbrate christmas. i am also going to sit down and make a advent christmas calender. i am trying to think of new traditions that ben and i can do together. tomorrow we are getting our christmas tree and i am going over to my moms and we are going to decorate her tree and tomorrow ben and i going to come home and decorate our tree and apartment. i will def. post pictures when all done. we have a tradition of cutting our tree down, and i cant wait for it. its going to be alot of fun. its starting to feel alot like christmas!! the best time of the year! and wed. i am going to make my ginger bread house. normally i would have beth come over and we would do it together but since we arent talking i guess i will be doing it on my own. but i am ok with that. i dont mine those kinda things.

We are all done with our christmas shopping for each other. i am making homemade gifts for most of my family this year. so i am super exicited about it. i will post them AFTER the holiday is over.  i have some super cute ideas that i cant WAIT for. =] and i hope that they like.

and for my friends i plan on making a little cook basket with a homemade orniment on it or something on that line. =]  

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