Monday, December 5, 2011

christmas timeeee.

CHRISTMAS is just around the corner! i am sooo exicited for this year! i cant wait! i am just enjoying myself and my time with my hubby.

Saturday we went and cut our tree down and that is what the tree looks like above. it is def. one of my fav. tree that we have gotten. Our cats love it too... ill post pictures of them under the tree later, but they are love sitting underneath it.

 The top three ornamint are ornaments that mean the most to me. the snow man i got from one of my girls at the day care. every year i put it up i stop and think of her and and how much i loved that little girl.  i loved that job, mainly because of the kids. i grew so close to the kids.

These two ornament i made over the last two years, the top one i made this year, and the star i made last year. i plan on making a few more within the next few days. i am also trying to make at least one each year.

The star i am making this year, because i am making them as part of my gift to some friends. i am making a cookie basket and that is attached to it. =] thankfully they dont have access to this so they cant see this, so that is good. hehe.

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