Sunday, January 29, 2012

GOD is good! ALL the time!

WOW! sooo much has happened since my last post! the main thing is, i have a connection, a much STRONGER connection with my higher power now.  it feels amazing to be soo in tune with my higher power. but anyways.... big news...

We are staying in Clinton area because that where my life was build but we  are moving out of the apartment we life in now. Its a long story to why, and i dont really want to get into it. but we are moving. i cant wait. i cant wait to not have to hear the stomping and the running all around all over the place and what not. so i am grateful that we are just moving out.

here is the basement...with a washer and dryer... AND it is ALL ours. we dont have to share it with the other tentants! so I am very exicited about that.

 The kitchen. its the cutest little kitchen i have ever had in an apartment. but it really spacious at the same time. i know hard to understand. hehe. but its adorable.

the bathroom. yes i get my TUB back!! i cant wait!!! =]  and i love the sliding doors to.

wait for it! are you ready for this... a WALK in closet!!!!!! Yup thats right a WALKIN!

This is most of our bedroom. i am standing in it, so i couldnt get most of it. =]

the living room. its pretty nice size to it. =]

...And again, probley my fav. part of this WHOLE apartment [k well there alot of my fav. in the apartment.] but here it is... the BREAKFAST BAR!!! =]

I cant wait to start decorating it. and coming up with some cute themes for the room and kitchen. the bathroom i am thinking like a summer/beach theme. i dont know why but i thinking so. the kitchen i dont know yet.  but anyways, we signed the lease today and we will be offically living there as of tomorrow night. we plan on working hard tomorrow. ben and i are getting up at 7am and starting to bring things over. i love our landlord, he so nice. its in WALKING distances to all my meetings minus thursday. and it right across the street from DUNKIN DONUTS! so i applied there, just waiting to hear back from them.  oh did i mention there a place where we can put TRASH now too, so the trash isnt taking up HALF of our apartment! 

GOD does good things if you just beleive! =]

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