Wednesday, January 4, 2012

welcome 2012

 I hope everyone had a wonderful new year eve and holiday season. i did. This new Years was my first new years where i was sober for many many years. and it was nice to not wake up with a hangover, granted i woke up and i felt like crap cause i am fight a cold but i didnt wake up with that hangover. =] 

It was good for the most part. i just wish i wasnt sick. thats all. but ben and i made chili and than we played rummikub. that was alot of fun and than we just snuggled in the living with each other and enjoyed each others company.  i cant believe that its already 2012! i mean really. i am exicited to see what 2012 brings. the fact that i am meeting and seeing nick carter again, that just flat out exiciting for me!!! i can not WAIT! hope you new years was good. and i hope 12 bring exicitment and happniess your way!

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