Friday, June 29, 2012

the bad with the good.

Wow its been a long time since i wrote. looking at it, back in april. well alot has happen since than, like i am gonna be an auntie... but i might have already wrote that. but i gonna be an auntie and i cant WAIT! this baby is gonna be so spoiled.  i find out if i am gonna have a neice or nephew in like two weeks. =] sooo exciting. 

On a sad note, my cat bella passed away on June 25th,2012. it was exteremly heartbreaking. and i cant talk about it without crying still. so i am not going to talk about it. but.... 

She watching over me, and knows that i and diamond cant be alone, and God to is just awesome and has blessed us with another kittie that was just born a day ago on June 27th,2012.. just two days after bella passed. here a picture of him/her.. we arent sure what gender it is yet.. 

Our new kittie is the black and white one. isnt it soo precious!!  In this picture they werent even 24 hours old.  for they were born at 2:00am. 

The names we have picked out is for a girl angel [for she was an brought to me in a time of need.] and if its a boy:Welker... [yes, it will be named after wes welker from the patriots!] =] 

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