Tuesday, September 20, 2011

apples apples and baking.

My Very FIRST apple pie I made today.. I have not tried it yet for i am waiting for ben to get home from work so we can both try it together. Part of the side are a little darker than i would like, but the pie itseld looks alsolutly amazing, i cant wait to try it.

Here is the apple crisp that i made too today. man today was a busy day of baking. wait until ben gets home and sees he can have a choice of apple crisp or apple pie, or both. hehe. but ya it was a perfect day of baking. a rainy cold day... ya perfect. 

I went apple picking with my aunt and cousins this weekend, and i got tons of apples. so we are going to have ALOT of apple things. apple sauce, apple pie, and next is my fav. apple crisp! YUM! i might go make that now. and we can have a choice for dessert tonight.

Yesterday we made homemade apple sauce. and MAN it was soooo good. we are having that with dinner tonight too. pork chops and apple sauce. YUM!
The apple pie recipe is a family reciple that my grandmother gave me in the recipe book she made me two christmas's ago. its was unbeleiveable simple.  the thing with my cooking and what not, is i dont measure my spices and what not.. i like spices, and spices make things taste oh soo good.

ps i have pictures that i will be putting in a post in a little bit about the adventure.

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