Saturday, September 10, 2011

TEN years ago...

**TEN YEARS since 9/11/01**

I cant beleive that tomorrow is TEN years since that LONG and DEVASTING day of 9/11/2001.  I can never forget what i was doing the moment i saw the 2ns plane hit the 2nd tower.. and the realization that my COUNTRY was under attack. 

i was shocked, i remember looking up at the tv screen in homeroom, where pointless news had always seemed to be on, but not that day... it was the day after of what i though was the best night of my life, THE BACKSTREET BOYS played in BOSTON the night before, and I was able to be there.. my first bsb concert.. after waiting months because aj went to rehab the day of my show back in the summer time.  there i was, sitting there telling all about the night, still walking on cloud nine, not even paying attention what was going on, maybe glancing up here and there.. and than  relizing that it was an plane that crashed into the towers, thinking it was an accident and than we see the second one coming- and than the news lady saying new report that this was a terriost attack... than my principle coming on the loud speaker saying america was just attacked- stay calm.. the whole staying calm... ya no not happening- within min there were screams in the hall ways for some parents where going on busniess trips and where scared that they were on there... [thankfully they werent]

So tomorrow just make sure you say a quick prayer to the families that did lose someone on that devasting day.

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