Saturday, October 22, 2011

5 year mark!


[this is the lyrics to brad paisley then... so the"girl" and the on the way.... relates more to ben singing to me than it is me singing to him.. but he deicated this song to me when it first came out, and every time we got in a fight the next day or a few hours later this song always came on the radio... ]


I remember trying not to stare
the night that I first met you,
you had me mesmerized,
And three weeks later,
in the front porch light,
taking 45 minutes to kiss goodnight.
I hadn't told you yet,
that I thought I loved you then,
And now you're my whole life,
And now you're my whole world,
And I just cant believe the way I feel about you girl, [boy]
Like a river meets the sea, stronger than its ever been,
We've come so far since that day,
And I thought I loved you then

I remember taking you back to right where I first met you,
You were so surprised
There were people around, but I didn't care,
I got down on one knee right there,
and once again
I thought I loved you then,

Well now you're my whole life,
Now you're my whole world,
I just cant believe the way I feel about you girl,
Like a river meets the sea, stronger than its ever been,
We've come so far since that day,
And I thought I loved you then

I can just see you, with a baby on the way
I can just see you, when your hair is turning gray
What I can't see is how I'm ever gonna love you more
But Ive said that before

Now your my whole life
Now your my whole world
I just cant believe the way I feel about you girl,
We'll look back someday at this moment that we're in
And i'll look at you and say
And I thought I loved you then
And I thought I loved you then

Tomorrow is Ben and I 5 year DATING anniversary! i cant beleive we have been together for five years. its crazy to think about actually. 

From the mouth of Danielle:

When we first met: October 12th,2006
Started dating: October 23rd,2006
Your song: We have alot of songs for each other- but mainly its our wedding songs when i said i do; and a whole new world.
Your saying:      ALWAYS AND FOREVER, UNTIL DEATH DO US PART ITS US AGAINST THE WORLD, THAT I PINKY PROMISE! [ya i know its kinda long- but thats our saying... sometimes we just says always and forever.]
Where we met: John Fitch Highway @ mine and lisa 'car wash'
How we met: He was there meeting us there so he could give lisa her sign cd by shinedown. We were there cause that where we hung out most nights, just talking and singing.
My First impression: Wow! he is good looking. =] but i didnt think he would be intrested in me, i was in a very DARK spot at this point in my life- and i thought very low of myself, and i thought no guy can actually like me, i was getting over a heart break too and i though if that didnt like me no other guy can.
First Offical Date: Dinner at unos and went to the movies to see man of the year.
Thoughts of the first kiss: It was the 'shoot for the stars, over the fence world series kinda feeling. it made my heart jump out of my chest. the butterflies in my stomach where swimming all over the place.
How did you become a couple: Well he was driving me home after a late night, and i had my head on his shoulder, and he ask me if i would want to give this a try and to be his girlfriend. and of course i said yes. =]
When did you guys say 'i love you' and who said it first: We said it that years christmas night when we were exchanging presents. tech. i said it first cause i wrote a poem for him and put it in a frame. [whinch he still has on our night stand.] but he was the actually one to say out loud 'i love you'. we were together for two months before we said it, he wanted to say it before than but lisa said that would be a bad idea and might scare her away.. [she knew me pretty well, and still does.]
Fav. Memory of the first year together: i wanna say when we got our 1st apartment together in fitchburg. and that year halloween.. when we drove through salem and we didnt even get out of the car, Lisa and I spent like weeks getting together the costumes to just sit in the car and drive through salem cause it was soo crazy there.
When did you know it was meant to be: March of 2007- we were together only five months or so at that point, and i got extremely sick and ended up in the hospital for a week and after i was home i got voliently sick too.. and through all that he never left my side. every day after work, he was always there at my bed side. he even spent nights in a chair because i was extremely homesick.  and right there i knew, we were going to last forever and that this man loves me more than anything.
What was your families first impression: The loved him right off the bat! they thought he was prefect for me. they saw how happy he made me, and they knew what i just went through just a couple months before- and they knew that i would find happniess with him.
How is life different than it was than: Today we are married, and even more in love than we were than. We have been through so much together since than... we have grown stronger as people and as a couple.

From the mouth of BEN:
When we first met: October 12th,2006
Started dating: October 23rd,2006
Your song: We have alot of songs for each other- but mainly its our wedding songs when i said i do; and a whole new world.
Your saying:      ALWAYS AND FOREVER, UNTIL DEATH DO US PART ITS US AGAINST THE WORLD, THAT I PINKY PROMISE! [ya i know its kinda long- but thats our saying... sometimes we just says always and forever.]
Where we met: John Fitch Highway @ at the car wash 
How we met: i was bringing her friend lisa a autograph from the band shinedown and she was in the car with her and i fell for her immediately
My First impression: she was gorgeous i was like i need to know this girl i can already see myself spending eternity together and that was only after seeing her not even speaking to her or knowing a thing about her.
First Offical Date: Dinner at unos and went to the movies to see man of the year.
Thoughts of the first kiss: Spectacular I would have to say as if i had just unlocked some super secret level or character in a video game would be my best analogy in terms of me lol
How did you become a couple: I was driving her home after spending most of the afternoon together and before i turned onto her road i asked her if now we were officially a couple so i could finally tell people where our relationship stood because even then she was all i would talk about.
When did you guys say 'i love you' and who said it first: We had said i love you for the first time that Christmas night after all our family party's and presents when we had exchanged gifts she wrote it in a poem she gave me and i said it after i read it. so i guess i verbally said it first but she wrote it first.
Fav. Memory of the first year together: i will have to say when we finally decided to move into our own apartment together would absolutely be my favorite memory from that first year of our relationship.
When did you know it was meant to be: As i said earlier i knew i was spending eternity with this lady the second i laid eyes on her.
What was your families first impression: they liked her because they saw how happy she made me, yea i think it took a while for them to realize how happy she made me but i know they saw it right from the beginning.
How is life different than it was than: more and more in love with her every day other than that not at all.

I love you baby!!!! Remember we still have always and forever to fullfill!!!

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