Sunday, October 23, 2011

Simple {LOVE}

In Honor of our dating anniversary, my simple sunday is going to be my husband Benjamin!

He is the love of my life and has been for five years. He came into my life, just in a place where i needed him the most. just when i was about to give up on love, God bought him in and said see i told you i made someone just for you. Within these last five years we have been through sooo much, between deaths in our families-everyday problems. but we have still stuck by each others side and shown what love is suppose to be.

Ben is an amazing guy. a faithful husband who works extremely hard for the both of us. he is a big kid, who loves transformers, and video games. no wonder my cousins all love him. =] and my mother, father and two brothers absolutely adore him and that means the world to me that they do for my family and i am extremely happy about that. for we are very close.

We like to go to the movies, out to dinner sometimes, drive around and talk, go to the parks and take pictures with each other and just talk. 

Ben, I love you from the bottom of my heart. i would be lost without you. these five years have beeen amazing and half the stuff i have gone through i would have been able to get through if you werent here. always and forever, me and you!

1 comment:

  1. happy anniversary- stopping by from simple as that. i'd love to have you stop by my blog and checkout the awesome (and huge $100) giveaway going on- xoxo nicole
