Wednesday, November 16, 2011

i am so exicited, and i just cant hide it!

You may be wondering why there is a picture of the patriots from one of the superbowls they were in... well ill tell you...

On this coming monday, Nov. 21st,2011 Ben, me and my friend Michaela will be going to the patriots game! this is mine and ben's first patriots game everrr!! and i am just super super exicited!  plus i get to see tom brady in the flesh.. that just awesome toooo!!! i cant wait!

they are playing kanas city who now has our old second string QB as there starter! it going to be an intresting night that for sure! and a BLAST! and the fact that they won this sunday, that just awesome! now all i have to go to is a bruins game and i been to all the sport in boston, yes the red sox was like in 5th grade, but i still went.. so far though my fav. is the celtics game! but i have a feeling monday gonna be tied! =]

2011 has been really good to me, its made up for the hard times of the past two years- even though i had another miscarriage- i still grateful for everything i got to do this year, this was the year that dream were made- meeting backstreet boys TWICE, able to see them at FENWAY and td garden, my first patriots game, and the losing of the weight and me getting just been an awesome year with out a doubt! def more post with pictures from my game!! =]

ps i have lost a total of 14.4 pounds since sept 26th,2011!!!

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