Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thanksgiving thanks day 8 and 9.

Day 8:

I am thankful for my sponser/friend Michaela.  She has just been a huge mentor for me. She also the defintion of a REAL TRUE FRIEND. i always know that no matter what i can call her if i need her and i KNOW she will be ready to listen. even if it 12:00 at night, she will come to my house and sit there until i am able to relax.. how am i sure- because she done it.

Day Nine:

Today i am thankful for the gift of being nine month SOBER!  and getting my life back. it feels so amazing. =]

with that being said i have some other big news too..
as you all have read, i am on the road of making my life heathier and with that involes losing weight, and i join ww and yesterday was my weigh in day and i lost 2.8 pounds total is 12.4 pounds and i am down 10 inches!!!!! that just feels amazing for me. =]

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