Monday, November 7, 2011

thanksgiving thanks: days 4,5,6, and 7

Ok so i know i am a little behind on my thanksgiving thanks... so ill play catch up..

Day Four:
i am thankful for my higher power who i chose to call God. for without him, things in my life would not be possiable. i would be lost without him. i give all my success in life to him and to glorfy him.

Day five:
i am thankful for my brothers. i ALWAYS ALWAYS know that they have my back no matter what. what we have gone through in our lives, its bought this closeness that alot of siblings dont have. they mean so much to me, and i would do anything for them.

Day six:
i am thankful for my in laws. even though there are days where i get furstrated with them, i know they still love me for who i am and the fact that i love their son/brother so incrediablely much.  they have done alot for us and i am forever grateful to them. \

Day Seven [Today]:

 Today i am thanful for the chance to be able to meet my all time fave. band since i was 12 years old this summer.. and that was the backstreet boys!!! =]  not only once... but twice.

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