Saturday, December 31, 2011

my 2011

My 2011 was pretty amazing. It had its up and downs, but mostly had ups.  here are some of my fav. moments in 2011:

1. Meeting BSB for the first time at the td gardens and  asking aj a question during the Q and A part od the meet and greet.

2.seeing the nkotbsb show! [amazing night!]

 3.. Meeting BSB again for the second time and getting  my nick hug at the fenway show.

 4. just being apart of the fenway show.

5. Meeting leighanne for the second time and talking to her and getting my picture taken.. also was able to buy something from wylee.

                                          6. Ben and I doing the behind the scene tour at fenway park.=]

            7. going to the aqurium with ben, alisha and dave. it was my frist time being there in a very long time.

                                                   8. nana and grandpas 50th wedding anniversary. =]

                                                      9. Ben and Mines FIRST patriots game!
                                                                          10. i turned 26.
                                                                          11. ben turned 28.
               12. Family reunion and ben birthday all in one day!

                                                                 13. KIM graduates college
                                                14. I got to go on the duck tour for the first time.
                                                15. My first sober cruise with mom and dave.
       16. my long time friend gets married.
17. got to go see a bueatiful light show with some great friends.

some other things that happen in 2011 that i dont have pictures from- like a huge one, was i got SOBER in feb of 2011!

Hope you all have a wonderful 2012 and had a good 2011. i wish you all the best.

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