Saturday, December 31, 2011

new years and traditions.


I hope everyone has a safe and fun new years!

This is the first new years in a very long time, that i can say i will be sober for. We were going to go to my aunts house and celbrate- but both ben and i are extremely sick and i just dont want to risk getting everyone there sick. so i am bummed about that, but at the same time looking forward to not going anywhere for it. Our tradition is we make a chili and hang out and play games... most years it involed my ex best friend, her boyfriend and achol... this year it involes non of that. its just ben and i. and i am ok with that. i am actaully looking forwar to it being JUST ben and i.  but games we will play of course, and the chili we will have too. =]

I am also looking forward to not waking up tomorrow morning with a hang over. when all these other people have there hang over, i will not. again, the first new years in MANY years that wont be happening. we got sparkling cider to have at midnight. and ill have my honeybunny to kiss at midnight! =]

again, stay safe and hang in there. 

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