Tuesday, September 27, 2011

for REAL!

No, this blog isnt another blog about bsb... its just really the most updated picture of me show most of my body... 

Why am i showing you this? well because i am ready for this life changing experince once and for all... i am ready to 110 percent control of my life. i need to.. i need to fight this battle of being extremely overweight. i am sick of look in the mirror or lack there of and wanting to brust into tears because i dont like what i see, or what i have ALLOWED myself to do to myself.

i sit there and think how did i let this happen. how did i let this spiral out of control so badly. but i am ready. i am ready to just do this. i know people dont believe me.. and that kinda hard cause i know i dont have that much support cause its like ya you are doing this now... it will run low. but its not. i am ready for this. i am ready to take control... and like my acholism.. i am giving to God every day and taking it one day at a time. and every day i pray to him in the morning and ask him to take the obession off me, and at night i thank him for helping me make it through that day.

So keep a look out, and you will be see posts about my progress. it time for a change! be prepared! 

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