Thursday, September 15, 2011

a peom to a friend.

So i was reading my old journal from 2006... [that year i wrote ALOT..] i love to write.. it helps me clear my heads at time... anyways i found this poem that i wrote at the time my best friend. [somedays i still wish we were that close.. but its hard cause you dont want to step in anyways toes and what not..]  but anyways here it is:

Title: A Friend with a Heart.

Your the friend that listens
when i am having a breakdown.
Your the friend that says
forget them, we have our own thing.
A year ago we met, hung out
but who would have thought we
would become the BEST of Friends.
We ended up hanging out every day,
than he hurt you-
but instead of being by your side i was on his.
and to THIS day i regret.
You are the one that has my back
your the one that say forget that.
You are my best friend and i would ask for it
anyother way!

Lisa** i heart you! the thing is for the most part you havent changed a bit, you are STILL there for me when i need the friend the most. it almost as if you know i need someone to vent to. You have grown up sooo much since those days, but man alot of the time, it was us against everyone and our friendship is stronger than anything! everything we been through, we pushed through it and worked it out. it has helped our friendship grow. thanks for being you. and for being an awesomely awesome friend!!! =] 

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