Saturday, October 1, 2011

love challenge day 1

Day one

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure;
then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy
and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
~ James 3:17, NIV

So i am doing a marriage challenge from time warp blog and i am hoping that i can learn alot from it. it is for the month of october. i hope i learn alot..

Today's Challenge:

Read 1 Corinthians 13 (the love chapter) and jot down some of the thoughts that come to mind such as:
  • What is God's definition of love?
God definiton on love is you have to give of yourself. and not look for reward, and if you do these things but dont have love- it means nothing.
  • What are the characteristics of love?
It is patient, kind, it does not envy or boast. its not self seeking or easily angered, no record of wrong. it doesnt delight in evil but looks for the truth. it protects trusts always, has hope and perserves. it doesnt fail
  • In what areas of "loving" do I stumble the most?
i stumble most in the 'loving' areas are easily angered and sometimes the patient part. 
  • What are a few of the steps I can take toward change?
 i am praying to god to show me the ways he can help with those things. for the most part he is showing me very well where i need to focus on and how to work on it. 

this is one of my fav. books and chapters in the bible. it shows us how pure love is. and that love is something that should not be taken lightly. my dad told me something last night that one of the missionaries writes and says all the time at his church...  and that is 'love is a verb' and it got me thinking how true that statement is..

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